Sargam Notation

Hoyto tomari jonno

How to read SARGAM
  • CAPITAL LETTERS Shuddh Swars (Natural Notes)
  • small letters Komal Swars (Flat Notes)
  • with # [hash] or ^ [exponent] = Tivra Madhyam (M# / M^)
  • Letter/Alphabet ONLY = Medium Pitch/Normal blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet PRECEDED BY a ” . ” [full stop] or  a ” , ” [comma] = Low Octave Note/Softer blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet FOLLOWED BY a ‘ [single quote] = High Octave Note/harder blow on flute
  • Notes in { } “murki” have to be played very fast without any pause
  • A Note in ( ) “kann swar” has to be just touched before moving on to the next note
  • A “~” between two Notes  = “meend”. That is, you have to glide from one note to another slowly to produce that wavy effect.
  • Few “….” (dots) after a note = Play and hold that note
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Singer : Manna Dey
Lyrics : Pulok Bandopadhyay
Composer : Manna Dey
Movie : Teen Bhubaner Pare (1969)

Flute used for notations : E Bass

Wriring notations for this song was very tough for me. After about 4 dozen attempts I finally came up with these notes for this beautiful song.

Being a slow romantic song I initially perceived it to start with low octave. But when I would start with low octave Sa, I would succeed only till the sthayi part. Antaras would not sound good with that. 2nd Antara of this song starts even softer, so it was not sounding the way it should.

Then after many trials I started to write the sargam first with the second Antara taking Ma as its first note. And yes. That solved the puzzle. So, the first note of the Sthayi became Dha instead of Sa and thus entire notation.fell in place perfectly.

Pay attention to play high octave (‘) notes, Tivr Madhyam (M#) and Komal Nishad (n) wherever indicated.

S’…. R’S’NR’S’ | R’S’NR’S’…

S G D M | S G D M


Hoyto | Tomari | Jonno,
D D | DD P | n n

Hoyechi | Preme | Je | Bonno ,
P P | PP | M# | D D

Jani | Tumi | Ononno
MM | GM | D PR R

Ashar | Haat | Barayi
R R | R G | PP M#

Jodi | Kokhono | Ekante ,
D D | D D D | P n n

Cheyechhi | Tomaye | Jante ,
P P | PP M# | D D

Shuru | theke | shesh | prante
MM | M G | MD | PR R

Chhute | chhute | gechhi | taai
R R | R G | GP | P M#

D S’…. | R’S’NS’….
R’ S’ n M G | M R’ S’… R’S’D


Aami | je | nijei | motto
S’S’ | S’ | S’D~S’ | S’~R”R’

Janina | tomar | shorto
R’R’R’ | G’R’G’ | R’~S’S’…{NSND}

Aami | je | nijei | motto
S’S’ | S’ | S’D~S’ | S’~R”R’

Janina | tomar | shorto
R’R’R’ | G’R’G’ | R’~S’S’

Jodi | ba | ghote | onortho
S’S’ | S’ | S’S’ | N D~P P

Tobu O | tomare | chai
PP… | DD n | DS’ PD PM#

Hoyto | Tomari | Jonno…


Aami | je | duronto
M# M# | M# | R G S

Duchokhe | ononto
G G G | S R ,n

Jhorer | digonto | jure
RR~S | SSG G | GG n

Shopno | chhoraai
n~D D~P | PM# M#…

(Repeat notes of Antara 1 for following line)

Tumi | to | boloni | mondo
Tobu | keno | protibondho
Rekhona | mone | dondo
Shob | chhere | cholo | jaai

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