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Sargam notation for song Ye raat ye chandni
Movie : Jaal (1952)
Music : S D Burman
Lyrics :  Sahir Ludhiyanvi
Singer : Hemant Kumar

Raag : Bhimpalasi

Flute used for notations : C#

Hey.. | aha | ha | haha, | haha | ha ha
P… | RR | P | RR | MG | MR |

Yeh | raat | yeh | chaandni
R | S~N S | R | S~N S R

phir | kahaan
N | RS N~.P

sunja | dil ki | daastaan
.P .N | S R | .Pn DP

Hm hm hm, hm hm hm
P g R, P R S

Interlude: nSR nSR nSRSNDP

Hey … y | pedo ki | shaakhon pe
P … M~R | P M R | P P P

Interlude: N S’ R’ S n DP

Pedo ki | shaakhon pe
P M R | P P P

soyi | soyi | chaandni
MP | P~d~P | M~RR P

Pedo ki | shaakhon pe
P M R | P P P

Tere | khayaalon | mein
P M | R P P | P

khoyi | khoyi | chaandni
MP | M D P | M~RR M

Aur | thodi | der | mein
MG | MG | MG | M

thak ke | laut | jaayegi
M G  | M P | M~G G.n

Raat | yeh | bahar | ki
gR | gR | gR | g

phir | kabhi | na | aayegi
P | RR | n | RR R

Do | ek | pal | aur
R | S~N S | R | S~N S

hai | yeh | samaa
R | S~N | R S N P

sunja | dil ki | daastaan
.P .N | S R | .Pn DP

How to read SARGAM
  • CAPITAL LETTERS Shuddh Swars (Natural Notes)
  • small letters Komal Swars (Flat Notes)
  • with # [hash] or ^ [exponent] = Tivra Madhyam (M# / M^)
  • Letter/Alphabet ONLY = Medium Pitch/Normal blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet PRECEDED BY a ” . ” [full stop] or  a ” , ” [comma] = Low Octave Note/Softer blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet FOLLOWED BY a ‘ [single quote] = High Octave Note/harder blow on flute
  • Notes in { } “murki” have to be played very fast without any pause
  • A Note in ( ) “kann swar” has to be just touched before moving on to the next note
  • A “~” between two Notes  = “meend”. That is, you have to glide from one note to another slowly to produce that wavy effect.
  • Few “….” (dots) after a note = Play and hold that note
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4 thoughts on “Ye raat ye chandni fir kahan”

  1. Dear Sir,
    I love to like your notation. I have learnt so many things for m you. Thanks for it. I like old songs. If it is possible for you then show the prelude of every songs.

  2. Are these notations for piano? Will it work on harmonica? If not, can u give notations for harmonica?
    Dr Dipak vyas

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