Sargam notations for a popular, romantic Ghazal “Aj jane ki zid na karo”
Originally sung by: Farida Khannum
Lyrics : Fayyaz Hashmi
Raag : Yaman Kalyan
Flute used for notations : E
This Gazal is based on Raag Yaman Kalyan where use of both Madhyam – Shuddh (M) and Tivr (M#) are prominent. Also pay attention to play Meend (~) wherever indicated to produce the melodious flavour of this song.

9 thoughts on “Aj jane ki zid na karo”
Namaskar Sir, I have sincerely gone through your site and the materials provided therein , fantastic. One simple request if you could provide the notations in Hindi in a very simple notes, that could have been more impressive , legitimate and understanable.
Once again I am grateful to your great efforts towards the Hindustani sangeet.
Sir it became so useful that I can not express by some words . Great …..
It would be really kind of you if you also add the other two stanzas ….. WAKT KI KAID ME JINDAGI HAI MAGAR and KITNA MASUM RANGIN HAI YE SAMAA. Thanks for the excellent guidance…. rgds
Thanks for the feedback. 2nd stanza added. 3rd one is similar to the 1st one, hence skipped. Enjoy!
Thnq very much sir
Your are Gifting every flute lover without expecting anything from us . Thank you so much
Thanks for the notation. Can I try this notation on violin or it’s just for flute?
Yes you can. My notations work well on multiple instruments.
could you also mention which taal is this on.. and thank you for the notations anyway!