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Sargam notaions for the romatic song ‘Tu mile dil khile…’
Singer : Alka Yagnik – Kumar Sanu
Lyrics: Indeevar,
Music : M.M.Kreem,
Movie : Criminal (1995)
Raag : Bhimpalasi

When at first I tried to jot down the notaions for this song,  using Suddh Re and Dha, I was constantly missing out on the finer tunes of the song.  Then I tried to search for the Raag on which this song was based and found out that this song is based on Raag Bhimpalasi, that essentially uses Komal Gandhar (g) and Komal Nishad (n) .  After learning this, I replaced Shudh Ga and Shudh Ni with their Komal counterparts, and all the blocks of puzzle fell in place!  

I used C# flute to produce the Sargam for this song.  Signs and symbols used are : Small letters = Komal Swars, ()=Kann Swar, ~=Meend.  This could be a difficult song for the beginners to play on flute as it includes use of half holes for producing the komal Gandhar and Nishad.  But, with little practice, specially of Raag Bhimpalasi, one can surely pull it.  

Tu | mile | dil | khile
g | (g)d P~D | g | (g)P g P

aur | jine | ko | kya | chaahiye
R R | S R~g | R | S~,N | ,D~,P ,D S

Na | ho | tu | udaas
,D | S | g | g g g

tere | paas | paas
g g | g g | g g

main | rahunga |zindagi | bhar
g | ggP l gPg~R | S

Na | ho | tu | udaas
,D | S | g | g g g

tere | paas | paas
g g | g g | g g

main | rahunga |zindagi | bhar
g | ggP l gP R~g | P

Saare | snsaar | ka | pyaar
g P | P~N NN~D | D~N | NN~D

maine | tujhhi | me | paaya
D~S’S’|N D | P | g R

Tu mile…


Chanda | tujhe j ho…o..

dekhne | ko | nikla | karta | hai
M MM | M | MMM | P D~N~P | g

(Repeat for following…)
Aina bhi j.ho… o…
didaar ko tarasa karta hai,

Itni | hasin | koi | nahin
SS g| P gSN |N R|P P

Itni | hasin | koi | nahin
SS g| P gPg RSN |N R|P P

Husn | dono | jahaan | ka | ek
g P | P~N N | N~D D~N | N | N~D

tujhme | simat | ke aya
DS S| N D |P|gR

Tu mile, dil khiler aur jine ko kya chaahiye

How to read SARGAM
  • CAPITAL LETTERS Shuddh Swars (Natural Notes)
  • small letters Komal Swars (Flat Notes)
  • with # [hash] or ^ [exponent] = Tivra Madhyam (M# / M^)
  • Letter/Alphabet ONLY = Medium Pitch/Normal blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet PRECEDED BY a ” . ” [full stop] or  a ” , ” [comma] = Low Octave Note/Softer blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet FOLLOWED BY a ‘ [single quote] = High Octave Note/harder blow on flute
  • Notes in { } “murki” have to be played very fast without any pause
  • A Note in ( ) “kann swar” has to be just touched before moving on to the next note
  • A “~” between two Notes  = “meend”. That is, you have to glide from one note to another slowly to produce that wavy effect.
  • Few “….” (dots) after a note = Play and hold that note
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3 thoughts on “Tu Mile Dil Khile”

  1. I’m music illiterate. I want to know the terms use for a part of song where Alka yagnik sang “Ah haa, Ah haa….” at the beginning of the song. I like it very much, it’s so heart touching. Since many day I’m doing research on net but didn’t got a proper results.

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