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Sargam notations of the Song – Mai Ye Soch kar uske dar se utha tha…

Film : Haqeeqat (1964)
Singer : Mohd. Rafi
Lyricist : Kaifi Azmi
Music by : Madan Mohan

Flute used for notations : G#

Film : Haqeeqat (1964)
Singer : Mohd. Rafi
Lyricist : Kaifi Azmi
Music by : Madan Mohan

Flute used for notations : F#

This song may sound so easy, but in fact, it is one of the most difficult songs of Rafi sahab.  

The highlight of the song however, is the Violin played by Pyarelal ji.  I have tried to notate those violin pieces as well which are even more difficult than the song itself.


R… S ,NRSR,NS,n…S,n,D
,D S R M…R S ,D R gRS,N SR S ,P…

SM gMg… R(g)R S(R)S ,n…
,nSR S(R)S…,n…,d…,P

,P S ,N ,PR…. {gRSR}…
R gM gR S gR…
g M… g R S… RgRS R(g)R…S


Mai | ye | soch | kar
S | (R)g | gR | M~g

uske | dar se | Utha tha
g gR | R R~S | S RR

ke | wo | rok | legi
R | R(G)RS | S ,NR | R(g)R~S S

mana | legi | mujhko
,NR R(g)R~S | {SRS,N(,D)N} ,N | S S S

PP dP… P dn d…P M…g
Sg…R S ,n ,d P

Hawao | me | leharata
S Rg g | g | RM g g

aata | tha | daman
g M | P | gM PM GRS

Ke | daman | pkadkar
S | R~S S | ,N R~SS

bitha | legi | mujhko
,NR R(g)RS | S(R)S,N(,d),N ,N | S S S

MP M~g | g Md P…M
g M P D N…D {PDNDPM}~g

Kadam | aise | andaz | se
MM | M M~g | g(P)M M M | M

uth | rahe | the
MM | M~g gPM | M

Ke | aawaz dekar
M~g | PM~g g…RM | M~g g

bula | legi | mujhko
g R g | SR~S S | gg g

,P,N Sg R | R M g SP…

Magar | usne | roka
P P| PP P | d~P M~g

na | usne | mnaya
g | M PP| P P(d)P M~g

Na | daman | hi | pakda
g | MP P | P | d~P M~g

na | mujhko | bithaya
g | MP P| P P(d)P M~g

Na | aawaz | hi | di
D | D D D | D~P | P~M

na | wapas | bulaya
M | M MM | gP PM M

Mai | aahista | aahista
M~g | PM~g g gR | R~M~g g

badta | hi | aaya
Rg SRgRS | S | Rg gRS

Yaha | tak | ke | us se
S R~S | S S | ,N | R SS

juda | ho | gaya | hu
,NR R(g)RS | S(R)S,N(,d),N | ,N S | S

Yaha | tak | ke | us se
S R~S | SS | ,NR | R SS

juda | ho | gaya | hu
,NR R(g)RS | S(R)S,N(,d),N | ,N S | S

juda | ho | gaya | mai
SR R(g)RS | S(R)S,N(d),N | ,N S | S…g

juda | ho | gaya | hu
ggR | S(R)S,N(d),N | ,N S | S

juda | ho | gaya | mai
SR R(g)RS | S(R)S,N(d),N | ,N SR | RMgM

juda | ho | gaya…
ggR | S(R)S,N(d),N | ,N S

How to read SARGAM
  • CAPITAL LETTERS Shuddh Swars (Natural Notes)
  • small letters Komal Swars (Flat Notes)
  • with # [hash] or ^ [exponent] = Tivra Madhyam (M# / M^)
  • Letter/Alphabet ONLY = Medium Pitch/Normal blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet PRECEDED BY a ” . ” [full stop] or  a ” , ” [comma] = Low Octave Note/Softer blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet FOLLOWED BY a ‘ [single quote] = High Octave Note/harder blow on flute
  • Notes in { } “murki” have to be played very fast without any pause
  • A Note in ( ) “kann swar” has to be just touched before moving on to the next note
  • A “~” between two Notes  = “meend”. That is, you have to glide from one note to another slowly to produce that wavy effect.
  • Few “….” (dots) after a note = Play and hold that note
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6 thoughts on “Mai ye soch kar uske dar se”

  1. Dr Gurdeep Singh Jheetay

    Thanks. can you please give western notation and prelude and interlude notation of violin piece. it is not available anywhere on net surprisingly. Thanks in anticipation.

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