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Sargam notations for the Song : Ka Karu Sajni Aye Na Baalam

Movie : Swami (1977)
Singer: Yesudas
Music: Rajesh Roshan
Raag : Sindh Bhairavi

This song is based in Thumri genre on raag Sindh Bhairavi.  Ga, Ni and Dha are to be used in komal swars.  The song was originally sung by Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali and later on sung by many other artists including Lata ji.  But, not for nothing that K J Yesudas won the filmfare award for the best singer for this song.  And what a melodious composition it bacame with his voice and Rajesh Roshan’s improvised music.  Enjoy this song on your instruments with the following notations:

Ka | karu | sajni
S | S R… | g P…. M gR

ae | na | baalam
{MgRMg}R | S | ,n S,n ,d P

Ka | karu | sajni
S | S R… | g P…. M gR

ae | na | baalam
M~g Mg R~S | S R | ,n~S,n ,d P~S…

Khoj rahi | hain | piya
P P | PP | d… | PM

paradesi | ankhiyaan
g R RR | g P M… gMP

Khoj rahi | hain | piya
P P | PP | Pnd… | PM

paradesi | ankhiyaan
g R RR | g P MgR..

Aye | na | baalam
{MgMg} R | SR | n~S,n ,d P~S…

Interlude music
d P | P MPM | G S
Sg | M d P | PPPPP
MPM | G S |
Sg | M d P …

P S’…. n d n P Mg
g P d S n d P

M g R S


Jab bhi | koi | ahat | howe,
S S | Rg g | R~S S | R~M M

manawa | mora | bhaage
Pd P | g R | S S

(Repeat for following lines)

Dekho kahin tute nahin
prem ke ye dhaage

Hai | matawaari
g | gg S S~,d

preet | hamaari,
,D,D | ,D M M

chhupe | na | chhupaae
R M | P | dP P~n ndPM

chhupe | na | chhupaae
M M | P | dP P…. P

Saawan | ho | tum,
P… PP | P | d…

main | hun | tori | badariya
P | M | gR | Rg P M… gR

ae | na | baalam
{MgRMg}R | SR | ,n~S,~n ,d P

Ka | karu | sajni
S | S R… | g P…. M gR

ae | na | baalam
M~g Mg R~S | S R | ,n~S,n ,d P~S

Interlude music:


Bhor | bhai | aur | saanjh | dhali,
P M | g P | PP | g P | d(MP)d…{MgR}

samay | ne | li | angadaai
R R | R | R~M~gR~g | R S SS

(Repeat for following lines)

Ye | jag | saara | nind | se | haara,
mohe | nind | na | ai

Repeat first Antara from Preet hamari…)

Main | ghabaraaun,
dar dar | jaaun,
ayi | wo | na | ae
Raadha | bulaae | kahaan
khoe | ho | kanhaiya
Aye | na | baalam

Ka karu sajani…

How to read SARGAM
  • CAPITAL LETTERS Shuddh Swars (Natural Notes)
  • small letters Komal Swars (Flat Notes)
  • with # [hash] or ^ [exponent] = Tivra Madhyam (M# / M^)
  • Letter/Alphabet ONLY = Medium Pitch/Normal blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet PRECEDED BY a ” . ” [full stop] or  a ” , ” [comma] = Low Octave Note/Softer blow on flute
  • Letter/Alphabet FOLLOWED BY a ‘ [single quote] = High Octave Note/harder blow on flute
  • Notes in { } “murki” have to be played very fast without any pause
  • A Note in ( ) “kann swar” has to be just touched before moving on to the next note
  • A “~” between two Notes  = “meend”. That is, you have to glide from one note to another slowly to produce that wavy effect.
  • Few “….” (dots) after a note = Play and hold that note
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