Happy Birthday Piano Notes and Sargam notations are given below. These notations are playable on multiple musical instruments, viz., String instruments like, Guitar, Violin, Sitar, Mandolin, etc., Key instruments like, Piano, Keyboard, Harmonium, Accordion, Melodica, Wind instruments like, Flute, Harmonica, Trumpet, Saxophone and many other musical instruments.
I am giving below both the options of Sargam notations (Indian Style) and Piano Notes (Western Style) to play Happy Birthday tune on your musical instruments.
Option 1: (Suitable for String/Key instruments)
Happy | Birthday | To | You
S S | R S | M | G…
Happy Birthday To You
S S | R S | P | M…
Happy | Birthday | Dear (name)
S S | S’ D | M | G R…
Happy | Birthday |To |You
S’ S’ | D M | P | M…..
Option 2: (Suitable for wind instruments)
Start with lower octave Pancham (,P):
Happy | Birthday | To | You
,P ,P | ,D ,P | S | ,N…
Happy Birthday To You
,P ,P | ,D ,P | R | S….
Happy | Birthday | Dear | (name)
,P ,P | P G | S | ,N… ,D…
Happy | Birthday |To |You
M M | G S | R | S….
Or,(last line)
Happy | Birthday |To |You
P P | G S… | R | S….
For those who are looking for Happy Birthday Piano Notes, they may follow the following notations:
The notes for “Happy Birthday” on piano are:
(Verse 1) C C D C F E C G G G F D C
(Chorus) C C D C G F C E E D C A G
(Verse 2) C C D C F E C G G G F D C
(Chorus) C C D C G F C E E D C G F C
51 Responses
Thanks for the notes they made my day
R’ which note is thishow to play
High octave Re
How do you play P’ and G’ on a flute
For pa’ close all holes and blow really harder and for ga’ close first hole and blow harder.
How to play Anjali
Happy | Birthday | Dear | An | jali
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N|ND…
P’ = means Pancham of Higher octave. Reduce the space between your lips and the blowing hole by tilting the flute slightly towards you, lift the first finger, close rest of the holes, blow little harder but not too hard.
G’ = means Gandharv of Higher octave. Close the top hole, Reduce the space between your lips and the blowing hole by tilting the flute slightly towards you, blow little harder but not too hard.
what does “n…… d……” indicate?
sa neeeee daaaaaaa , you have to sustain the note at the “…..”
These notes could possibly mean mandhra (lower actave) notes…
And these notes mean komal swaras….. as in you have to play them with partially closed fingers…
How to play pihu in the name
Dear | Pi | hu
S | n | d
Half the P
How to play Vidushi ? Plzz tell
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Vidu | shi
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | nn | d……
Thank uhh ji ❤️
How to play NAYARA
Please tell me bro
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Naya | ra
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | n n | d……
How to play sakshi
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Sak | shi
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | n | d……
Thank u so much
How to produce name Chitrarth on piano
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Chit | rarth
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | ,N… | ,D……
Can you please tell the notes of
Please it’s an request as birthday is on 16th April
Please ❤️
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Man | Jeet
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N.. | D…
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Bhav | Na
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N N | D…
Thankyou so much , you are just amazing❤️
Can you please tell the notes of happy birthday mumma
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Mumma
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N D…
How to produce nikunj as a name.
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Ni | Kunj
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N | D…
How to Play
Happy Birthday Ichha
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Ich | chha
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N | ND…
How to play
Happy birthday priti
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Pri | ti
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N | D…
How to play nimmi or nitya ? Plzz tell
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Nim | mi
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N | D…
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Ni | tya
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N | DD…
How to play neha
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Ne | ha
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N… | D…
How to play Siddhi ?
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Sid | dhi
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N | D…
How to play aastha?
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Aas | tha
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N… | D…
How to play aayush?
Happy Birthday To You
P P | D P | R’ | S
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Aa | Yush
P P | P’ G’ | S’ | N… | D…
How to play Forum
Happy | Birthday | Dear | Fo | Rum
S S | S’ D | M | G | R…
How to play anchal
Happy | Birthday | Dear |An…Chal…
S S | S’ D | M | G… R…