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Online Contest 2024

instrumental music contest season-5

01st Aug – 16th December 2024

Nomination Form

Registration @INR250/-

Payable, once you clear the Audition Round.

NS QR Code


Send your 2-min. video by WhatsApp at +91-9013921743. 
Last Date : 30th November 2024.
The sooner you send your audition video, the better are the chances for you to prepare for this contest.
Registration Fee is 250/- INR per participant.  50% will be refundable if you fail to clear the Audition Round.


Anyone can participate in this Instrumental Music Contest, provided that he/she:

  • Should be over 09 years of age (as on 15th November 2024).  There is no maximum age limit. (Your date of birth certificate may be demanded by us, if needed).
  • Should not be a professional artist who performs for a living.
  • Instruments allowed: Any wind / key / string instruments on which songs can be played such as, Flute, Harmonica, Trumpet, Saxophone, Shehnai, Harmonium, Piano, Keyboard, Banjo, Melodica, Sitar, Guitar, Violin, Celo, Santoor, Sarod, Sarangi, Surbahar, Veena, etc. etc. (this list is only illustrative not exhaustive)


  • Record your min. 02-minute video
  • Send it through Whatsapp only to +91-9013921743 as “[Song’s Title (space) Instrument Name (space) Full Name (space) Sex/Age (space) Place] Example: Hawayen Harmonica Vini Mehta F/26 Chandigarh.
  • Your entry should reach us before 23:59 hrs, 30th Nov 2024.  However, the sooner you submit, the better will be your chances to prepare for next rounds.

As an entry for your participation, you can record and send one of the following in any language on your musical instrument:


Your participation in this Instrumental Music Contest will be cancelled under following circumstances:

  • If you send recording or your vocal performance.
  • If your video is not visible/audible.
  • If your video has been recorded in a studio.
  • If your face is clearly not visible in the video.
  • If your entry is received after cut-off date/s.
  • If you use different phone numbers to send multiple recordings.
  • If information provided by you is found to be incorrect.
  • If, after clearing audition round, you do not make payment of registration fee.



Audition Round is open from 01st Aug till 30th Nov 2024

Play any song of any language on your musical instrument, record it and send it on WhatsApp to +91-9013921743.  The video must be of minimum 2 minutes to be submitted before 30th Nov 2024 alongwith the registration fee.

Registration fee @INR250/- can be paid by any UPI/Wallet to UPI id: notesnsargam@icici or to +919811093408 or by scanning the QR code given.  If you fail to clear the audition round, you may be refunded 50% of the registration amount.

Results of audition will be declared within 2-days of your submission.  The results will be based on these criteria – Sur, Taal, Laya, video and audio quality.

The sooner you submit your video and deposit the fee, the better will be your chances to move to the Performance Round. 

(2) PERFORMANCE ROUND (30th – 10th Dec)

Contestants who would clear the auditions, will be asked to perform any one song out of the list of 50 songs, that would be uploaded on this website on 1st Dec 2024. 

The contestants shall have to perform any one of those songs on their instruments, record the video and send that by WhatsApp on +91-9013921743 latest by 10th Dec 2024.

Only the best performing videos will be uploaded on our YouTube Channel for the Audience Review Round.

(3) AUDIENCE REVIEW ROUND (11th Nov – 18th Dec)

The shortlisted Performance Round videos will be uploaded on our YouTube Channel on 19th Dec 2024.

These videos will be open for audience votes until 18th Dec 2024. Contestants may ask for votes from the audience on their performances. The maximum number of likes and comments will also be one of the criteria to move to the next round. 

Based on the final review by our technical team, only 20 top performances will move to the Judges Round.

(4) JUDGES’ ROUND (20th Dec)

Top-20 performers may get a chance to interact with the Judges through video conference on 19/20th Dec 2024. 

Judges will select the Top-10 performers for the final round. 

Results of this round will be declared on 20th Dec 2024 through this website.

(5) FINAL ROUND (21st Dec)

The selected Top-10 Contestants will enter the Final Round on 21st Dec 2024 and perform for the Season-5 Title through live video conference. (22nd Dec will be the reserved day.)

The contestants will be allowed to choose any one of the judges to give them their challenge (i.e., a song of judge’s choice). 

Once the challenge is accepted, the Contestants will have to practice, play, record and send that song strictly within 60 minutes on WhatsApp to +91-9013921743.


Based on the criteria laid down by the judges, the Top-3 performances will be declared as Winner, Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up of this 5th season of NotesAndSargam Instrumental Music Contest 2024.  The formal declaration of winners will be done on 22nd Dec 2024.


  • That, this contest is open to only non-professional instrumental musicians.  At any point, if the information furnished by the contestants is found to be untrue/ambiguous, then that will result into revocation of participation, certificate, trophy and the prize money.
  • That, the decisions by our technical team and our Judges will be final and binding on all the contestants and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.
  • In case of a tie for any position – 1st, 2nd or 3rd, the prize money will be equally distributed between the winners.
  • That, the participation Fee is non-refundable, after clearing the auditions round.
  • That, the videos submitted by the contestants shall become the property of Notes And Sargam and those can be used for promotional purposes.
  • Prizes shall be credited into Bank Accounts of the winners.
  • Trophy shall be sent by courier.
  • Digital Certificates shall be sent by emails.
  • That, the organisers reserve the right to change, modify and alter the dates, timing, terms and conditions of this contest.


Sumita Mazumdar

Smt. Sumita Mazumdar

Mrs. Sumita Mazumdar was born and raised in a Bengali family in Delhi who had cultural inclination since the start. Growing up, Sumita was introduced to music by her father and was home tutored by her music teacher. 

Sumita did her Masters from Delhi Music faculty where she honed her music skills in Hindustani Classical, Rabindra sangeet, various folks and other genres.

In her 36 years of service life, she organised, composed and prepared students for various competitions in all the genres to perform in districtt, state and national level competitions. 

In her long career with music, she is proud to have contributed in National events like 26th January, 15th August, Commonwealth Games and many other prestigious such events. Not only she participated in these prestigious events, she was also called for judgement by govt officials and various clubs and groups to officiate as Judge.


1st Prize

Rs.3,000/- + Appreciation Certificate + Trophy

2nd Prize

Rs.2,000/- + Appreciation Certificate

3rd Prize

Rs.1,000/- + Appreciation Certificate.

+ Plus +

Free .pdf version of N&S Book – “Lets Play Music” to all Participants.

Success story of the Winner shall be published in this website and in

Performance videos of the winners shall be uploaded on our official YouTube channel.

Winners’ profiles shall be posted on our official Facebook and Instagram pages.

Sponsor this event

We are looking for companies/individuals as sponsors of this event.  This is a not-for-profit event, mainly aimed at encouraging amateur yet talented instrumental musicians.

Your support can go a long way in not only motivating the artists but also facilitating us to organise this event in a better manner.



  • Brand name suffixation with the event title.
  • Announcement of the brand name during the video rounds.
  • Placement of brand name on every digitial promo material
  • Print of brand name on the Trophy and Certificates.
  • Print of brand name alongside the post-event coverage in the CSR TIMES magazine.
  • Free entry to max.3 participants recommended by the sponsor for this event, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

Sponsorship form

Upload your Logo

Our Associates

IAF logo

An organisation that felicitates outstanding Achievements by Indians has sponsored this event


India's No.1 magazine on Corporate Social Responsibility, has co-sponsored this musical event

BM logo full trsp free sargam notaions

A Digital Marketing and Online Events organising set up is associated with this event as Digital Partner.


Management of Notes & Sargam reserves the right to change/alter the dates/time, method, mode of this instrumental musical contest.  Registration fees once paid, shall not be refunded, except for exigent circumstances, decision of which will remain solely with Notes & Sargam Management team. Decision of the Judges about selection of participants at all stages will be final and binding on everybody associated with this contest.

By participating in this contest you confirm that the details submitted by you are true. You also confirm that you are not a professional musician. You understand that if the information and declaration provided by you is found to be incorrect at any stage of the contest, your candidature will become null and void with no further consideration. You  also give full consent that video/content provided by you for this contest will become available to the organisers for their promotional purposes through digital or print medium.

© Copyright Reserved | Contest theme and format conceptualised by Brandmark Media

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