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I found solace in Flute after losing my husband to Covid – Chhavi Gupta

I found solace in Flute after losing my husband to Covid

chhavi gupta

“Now when I think about my future, bansuri has to be a vital part of it. I can’t imagine myself sleeping without playing it. Whenever I feel stressed be it day or night I pick up and start playing and learning.”

Hi, I am chhavi . Since the time I remember my childhood, music always kept me interested. But as you grow up one tends to join the rat race and so did I. 

I used to play harmonium in the school . My 5th grade class teacher introduced me to bansuri which needed to be played in the assembly. I happily accepted the challenge and learnt from her for that particular month. After that the rat race made me forget, but the love for bansuri remained. Listening to songs I would never connect to the lyrics, but just to the tune or melody of the song.

With years being passed I finished graduation, post graduation and did a job. While doing the job I tried to self teach this magical instrument. Then I got married. Got busy with married life and responsibilities and had a baby within 2 years of marriage. Life just couldn’t get more busier. Off and on I would pick up bansuri but could never play it with full concentration. Suddenly then this Covid hit our lives in April 2021. Me, my husband and my son contracted this dreadful disease. Me and my husband were hospitalized battling for our lives . I lost my husband to Covid.

Since then the life has become very uncertain. The only strength I get during the day is looking at my child and me playing the bansuri. Playing bansuri gets me peace and my mind doesn’t wander here and there. Now when I think about my future bansuri has to be a vital part of it. I can’t imagine myself sleeping without playing it. Whenever I feel stressed be it day or night I pick up and start playing and learning.

This is what love for music makes one do. This instrument gives me strength like no other thing

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