For beginners, it is a common dilemma as to what to play and how to play Alankars (ornamentations)? So, whether we have to play only a set group of notes?  Or, we can create / make our own Alankars for practice?  For this, the answer is:

It is all about logical sequencing of notes. Which means, you can create numerous sets of Alankar yourself, if you understand the basic concept.

For example, an Alankar could be:

SR | RG | GM | MP | PD | DN | NS’

12 | 23  | 34   | 45  |  56 |  67 | 71′

In this grouping of two notes each, please see the logic that is to place the last note as first in the next group.

Let’s take another example:


1245  | 2356   | 3467     | 4571′

Here if you see, the logic is to skip 3rd note in a group, like Ga is not there in group 1. And then start the second group with next note of first note of group 1. So, the group 2 starts with Re and M (the third in sequence) is skipped in second group, and so on.

Therefore, now if you can solve this, you will be able to create your own Alankars :


S’NPM | ND?G | DPGR | P ? ? S

Let’s see who cracks this! Comment your answers.

3 Responses

  1. Thank you for this effort and dedication. I am new to your site but wish I had come to you earlier.

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